Born:1952, Kushikino City, Kagoshima Prefecture,Japan
Immigrated to the United States in 1960; became US citizen in 1963
Resided in Sapporo, Japan from 1988-2008. Currently resides in Portland, Oregon, USA
1980 MFA in Sculpture, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
1977 BS in Art, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
1970-4 Attended Oregon State University and University of Oregon, major in architecture
2025 "Cosmic Leaves- Miniatures and Giants", Blackfish Gallery, Portland Oregon
2024 "Suns, Stars and Cosmic Tree", Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2023 “Various Views of Cosmic Tree", Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2021 "World of Cosmic Tree", Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2020 "Parts of the Cosmic Tree II", Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2019 "Visions of the Cosmic Tree", Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2017 "Forms from the Cosmic Tree", Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2016 "Cosmic Leaves", Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2015 "Leaves of the Cosmic Tree", Blackfish Gallelry, Portland, Oregon
2014 “Suns, Stars and Cosmic Tree”, Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2013 “Gravity- Invisible Branches of the Cosmic Tree”Blackfish Gallery,
Portland, Oregon
“Tree of Life in All Seasons”Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2010 “Face Fruits and Leaves and Branches of the Tree of Life: the
“Everyday Scenes from Leaves and Branches of the Tree of
Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
“Ken Ikeda and Students+Friend Exhibition”Kitahiroshima Cultural Gallery,Kitahiroshima, Hokkaido, Japan
2003 “People of the Tree of Life” Sapporo City Shiryokan Gallery,
Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
2001 “Fruits and Other Parts of the Tree”Utukushigaoka Gallery, Sapporo
1999 “Endless Thread” Utsukushigaoka Gallery, Sapporo, Japan
“Forms from the Tree of Life II”Best Pocket Gallery, Sapporo Art
Park, Sapporo, Japan
1997 “Forms from the Tree of Life” AM Art Gallery, Sapporo, Japan
1984 “Wheels, Stairways, and Heaven - Everything’s but a Spiral” North
View Gallery, Portland Community College, Portland, Oregon
“Cross Section Series” Littman Gallery, Portland State University,
Portland, Oregon
“Ur: Patterns, Erosions, and Duration”Northwest Artists Workshop, Portland, Oregon
1984 “The Floor” Bush Barn Gallery, Salem, Oregon
1983 “The Wall Series” Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
1981 “The Train, the Traps, and the Wall Series”Blackfish Gallery, Portland,
1979 “The Artifact Series” Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
“Construction Sculptures” MFA Thesis Exhibition,Gallery 299,
PortlandState University, Portland, Oregon
WORKS/ Installation Projects
2019 "Cyrus;s Lost Invention". an installation project, Portland,
2018 "Parts of the Cosmic Tree", Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2016 "Cosmic Leaf #2" - an installation projcect, Fishbowl I,
Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2015 " A Leaf of the Cosmic Tree", an installation project, Fishbowl I,
Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2013 “Lights within Matter”, installation project”, Fishbowl I , Blackfish Gallery
2013 “Leaves from a Different Tree”, M. Rosetta Hunter Art Gallery, Seattle
Central Community College, Seattle, Washington
2006 “Fifth IEAD
Institute of Environmental Art and Design Convention”
an academic, convention exhibition, Spica Hall, Sapporo, Japan
2005 “Kioku (memory of wood) Exhibition” a thematic exhibition of
wood sculpture
Kitahiroshima Cultural Hall Gallery, Kitahiroshima,
1985 “Issei Artists” a group exhibition of first generation Asian-American
artists, Interstate Firehouse Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2025 "Winter Light” Exhibition, Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2024 "45th Anniversary Exhibition", Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2024 “Hyphae" Exhibition, 114 Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2024 “Coming Home" Exhibition, 6th Floor, 220 Building, Old Town,
Portland, Oregon
2024 “Looking Back", 45thAnniversary Founders Exhibition, Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2023 “What It Is” Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2021 "Covid Influence", group exhibition, Blackfish Gallery, Portland Oregon
2020 “Love Politik", Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2019 Blackfish 40th Aanniversary Exhibition, Blackfis Gallery, Portland,
2017 "Green" a thematic group exhibition, Blackfish Gallery,
Portland, Oregon
2016 "Green" a thematic group exhibition, Blackfish Gallery, Portland,
2015 “Window: a Dialogue”, Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2014 “Blackfish at 35”, Valise Gallery, Vashon Island, Washington
“Being Blackfish”, 35thann. exhibit, Blackfish Gallery,
“Ironies/Satires”, Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
“Becoming Blackfish”, 35thann. exhibit, Blackfish Gallery Blackfish
Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2013 “Ritual”Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
“Rain”Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2012 “Influence”Blackfish Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2010 “Blackfish Drawing Exhibition”, Portland, Oregon
1999 “Blackfish Tenth Year Anniversary Exhibition” Portland, Oregon
1986 “Pacific Vista” Index Gallery, Clark College, Vancouver, Washington
“Northwest Artists Interpret the Landscape” an invitational thematic
group exhibition, Blackfish Gallery, Portland Oregon
1985 “East Meets West” Erickson Building, Portland, Oregon
“15thAsian American Exhibition” Pacific Arts Center, Seattle,
“Public Hanging”, Portland Center for Visual Arts, Portland, Oregon
“Issei Artists”Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, Portland, Oregon
1984 “Asian Point of View” Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Assoc.
Building, Portland, Oregon
“First Alumni Show” Littman Gallery, Portland State
University campus,
Portland, Oregon
“Artquake ‘84 “, Portland, Oregon
“Northwest Artists Workshop Group Show” Federal Building, Portland,
1983 “Oregon Biennial” Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon
“Artquake ’83 Invitational Sculpture Show” Portland, Oregon
1982 “Group Show” Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon
"Artquake ’82 Invitational Sculpture Show", Portland, Oregon
1981 “Mountain High III, Woodwork” Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, Oregon
“Artquake ‘81”, Portland, Oregon
1980 “Blackfish at Cheney Cowles Museum” Spokane, Washington
1980 “Sculpture 80” Foster White Gallery Sculptural Invitational,
1979 “The Opening Exhibition of Blackfish Gallery, Introducing Blackfish”
“Additive Sculpture”, Art Place, Portland, Oregon
“ Artquake ‘79”, Portland, Oregon
1978 “Group Sculpture Show”The Fountain Gallery, Portland, Oregon
1977 “Tenth Annual Thousand OaksArt Festival, Los Angeles, California
2009 Rejoined Blackfish Co-op Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2006-17 Member, IEAD Institute of Environmental Art and Design
(A college academic association-
centered in Tokyo; open
i nternationally)
1994-06 Member, College Art Teachers Association of Japan
1992-08 Member of Dohto University Institute of International Design
and Institute of International Architecture. As member, wrote
and translated Japanese articles of university research magazines into
1.RUSSEL- informational publication for Institute of
International Design
2. IGLOO- nformational publication for Institute of
International Architecture
1985-86 Board Member of Northwest ArtistsWorkshop- alternative gallery
1984 Co-organizer of an exhibition of Asian Artists of Oregon, “Asian Point
of View”
1979-83 Original Member of Blackfish Artist Co-op Gallery
2012-3 Summer sculpture workshop, Creative Arts Community,
Menucha, Oregon
1995-08 Taught sculpture and design at Dohto University as an associate professor (tenure)
1992-95 Taught various subjects in Japanese and English to students
transferring to colleges in America- a preparatory program at Dohto
Junior College,
1992-95 Taught sculpture as a guest lecturer at Dohto Univ. Mombetsu campus
1984 Co-Grantee of Multi Arts Program’s NEA Grant for sponsoring an
Exhibition,“ Asian Point of View”at Chinese Consolidated Benevolent
Assoc. Building, Portland, Oregon
1977 Florence
Heidel Art Scholarship, Portland State University
2008 newspaper article, “Ken Ikeda and Friends Exhibition“February, Doshin
(Hokkaido, Japan) newspaper
2007 newspaper review, “From Tree- Form of Life- Exhibition", Feb.16 evening Doshin (Hokkaido, Japan) newspaper
1984 newspaper article, “Asian Point of View”, Oct. 19, 1984 by Jane
Christ, The Oregonian
1983 review, “Art form juxtaposes natural, man- made elements”by Ron
Cowan, July 1, 1983 Statesman-Journal, Salem, Oregonian Weekly
April,21and 27th edition, Portland, Oregon
“Timberline Woodworks”by Louise Klemperer, The Oregonian week
of October 20-26,
1980 Shining Through the Sculptural Treasure ”by Regina Hackett; July 3,
1980 Seattle Post Intelligence; article on “Sculpture 80"exhibition, Foster
White Gallery, Seattle, Washington
2006 “Non-Firing Clay Sculptures”, Research Report, Seventh ConventIon of IEAD- Instituteof Environmental Art and Design
2005 Short article on sculpture works, “Giant Face Fruits: Princess Mai Mai", Dohto University, Faculty of Arts Bulletin, Vol.31
2003 Short article on sculpture works, “People of the Tree of Life”, Dohto University Faculty of Arts Bulletin, Vol. 29
2002 Short article on sculpture works, “Face Fruits and the Harvest Basket", Dohto University Faculty of Arts Bulletin, Vol. 28
2000 Design Trend “On Forms from the Tree of Life”by K. Ikeda, Vol.2000-3
RUSSEL- an informational publication of Institute of International
1999 Short article on sculpture works, “Forms…from the Tree of Life”,
Dohto U. Faculty of Arts Bulletin, Vol. 24
1979 MFA Thesis, “Construction Works”, Portland State University, Portland,